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Euroelections 2024

On the 9th of June the European citizens are called upon to elect their national representatives to the European Parliament who will be shaping policies of critical importance for the next five years.

During the new mandate in the next five years, in the midst of two wars staged at the doorstep of our region, the European MPs will be voting proposals and solutions on most urgent and important geopolitical issues such as the climatic change, public health, economy and energy, artificial intelligence, immigration, as well as our defense and security of course.  

The European citizens are called upon to decide on the future of Europe and the key issues affecting their daily lives, while large parts of European societies adopt euroscepticism, amidst interventions of misinformation, fake-news and public opinion manipulation.

All European citizens should invariably head to the polls and decide on their future, their security and well-being, as well as on the Europe they will bequeath to the future generations. I encourage you to go and vote as you would do on national elections. 

The voting right is a moral and democratic duty, and it is painful for some of us not to be able to participate in the decision-making process shaping our future.



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