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Environment & Sustainability

The citizens of the world consider, in their vast majority, that sustainable development and the protection of our planet against ecological disasters are in the realm of the responsibility of governments, states, corporations and economy. In reality, however, it is both the responsibility and prerogative of all citizens.

Facing environmental challenges has become a major international endeavor, not only for ecosystems and habitats for the survival of living creatures but also for the physical and mental health of people and the quality of their daily lives.

I recently had the opportunity to meet and discuss with the representatives of two particularly active organisations in this field, that have included in their programme their activation in Greece as well.

The Norman Foster Foundation, exploring solutions that will enhance ecological balance in urban spaces and the EARTH’S COMMONS Institute of Georgetown University, exploring environmental innovation, education and sustainability.

In addition, I’ve had the special honour and joy to meet and converse with H.A.H. the Ecumenical Patriarch Mr. Bartholomew, who has promoted the issue of environmental protection at the top of his Patriarchate “agenda”, hence having been dubbed by the international community as the “green Patriarch”. The systematic and substantial contribution and interventions of His All Holliness on the environmental issue count more than thirty years, demonstrating that environmental destruction is rooted in man’s actions. His work is a beacon for us all.

During all those discussions it became manifestly evident that the efforts of the international community for sustainable development and environmental protection cannot be carried out without the cooperation and dedication of us all in this goal. Every action towards that end starts firstly by each one of us.

The planet’s protection is a responsibility of us all. Participate. Invest in a better future.
United Nations Organisation.




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