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Congratulations to the Olympic and Paralympic Games Medalists

At the end of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, I would like to congratulate our excellent Olympic and Paralympic teams, which not only fought hard but also managed to bring back more medals than from the last Tokyo Games.

This summer we were privileged to watch the best athletes in the world surpass themselves, not only for medals but also for something they know far better than all of us: the national pride and the inspiration they would offer to all Greeks.

Our athletes came back from the Paris Olympic Games carrying eight medals: a gold one, a silver one and six copper ones, the double of those won in the Tokyo 2021 Olympic Games. Our Paralympic Game has had equally brilliant results, carrying away 13 medals: three gold, three silver and seven copper ones.

Our two teams are worth our absolute respect and admiration for their commitment, their will, their fighting spirit and morals they demonstrated, honouring the Olympic ideal in every single endeavour of theirs.

While extending my congratulations to our teams, however, I cannot refrain from mentioning a subject that undermines, to my view, the integrity of the Games: the participation of trans athletes in women’s competitions cannot prevail upon biology. We must rely on science in order to secure a fair game and a level playing field competition.

Both men and women athletes prepare for years on end for an opportunity to participate in the Olympic Games; it is totally unfair to them to waste the possibility of honest competition and clean victory.

Trans women who have gone through male adolescence years should not compete against women, because they have a clear and unfair natural advantage vis-à-vis the latter.

Finally, we should also congratulate Paris for the outstanding organization of the Games and the emphasis put on sustainability. Despite the challenges and certain decisions made by the organisers that have stirred reactions, due to the environmental conditions such as swimming in the Seine river, the Games were successful and the athletes received all necessary support and boosting so as to perform at their best.

Paris Olympic Games 2024 aimed at achieving a lot of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, such as gender equality, sustainable cities, fighting social inequalities, good health, taking action for the environment, peace and justice.Pursuing these goals has rendered this year’s Olympic Games a triumph to sustainability.



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